There’s More to a Book

The bones of the
story of Beauty and Beast
are deception and danger:
he hardly kept peace
as he circled his castle
with claws and with rage
and Beauty was trapped
in the walls of his cage.


But she read and she listened
and watched and she kept
busy, earned freedom,
then got up and left–
returning to life
she had left in the city
where people were groomed
and where things were more pretty.


But remembering Beast
all alone in his lair
she packed her things up
and she traveled back there.
For she’d seen his true being
and realized she cared;
she’d grown from the girl
the Beast had once scared.


She followed this reasoning
to see past his looks:
for the cover’s important
but there’s more to a book.
See, a person’s a person
no matter how scary,
no matter how grumpy,
no matter how hairy.

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